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Rust Essentials MOD 腐蚀rust服务器命令一览 腐蚀rust有哪些服务器命令

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Rust Essentials MOD

Rust Essentials MOD 腐蚀rust服务器命令一览 腐蚀rust有哪些服务器命令


/access {on} 【(Gives the sender access to all doors,给予你打开所有门的权限)】

/access {off} 【(Revokes access to all doors from the sender,移除你打开所有门的权限)】

/airdrop 【(Spawns an airdrop with a random drop location,设置一次随地地点的空降)】

/airdrop <player name> 【(Spawns an airdrop with a drop location at the specified player,设置一次空降给某个玩家)】

/ban <player name> 【(Bans player with reason: "Banned by a(n) <Your Rank>",封掉一个玩家)】

/ban <player name> [reason] 【(Bans player with reason,封掉一个玩家和愿意)】

/chan {g} 【(Joins the global chat,加入全球聊天屏道)】

/chan {global} 【(Joins the global chat,同上)】

/chan {d} 【(Joins the direct chat,加入一个特定聊天屏道)】

/chan {direct} 【(Joins the direct chat,同上)】

/give <player name> <item name> 【(Gives the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品)】

/give <player name> <item name> [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品和数量)】

/give <player name> [item id] 【(Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品,这里用的是物品ID)】

/give <player name> [item id] [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)】

/god <player name> 【(Gives the specified player god mode,给指定玩家上帝模式)】

/heal *player name* 【(Heals the designated player,恢复指定玩家的血)】

/help 【(Returns available commands for your current rank,显示指令)】

/help [command without /] 【(Returns the documentation and syntax for the specified command,显示已经排除外的指令,without/后面填上你不想显示的指令)】

/history {1-50} 【(Returns the the last # lines of the chat history,查看聊天记录,1-50里面填你想查看前面多少条记录)】

/i <item name> 【(Gives the item to you,给自己指定物品)】

/i <item name> [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item to you,给自己指定物品和数量)】

/i [item id] 【(Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品,这里用的是物品ID)】

/i [item id] [amount] 【(Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)

/join 【(Emulates the joining of yourself,模拟自己加入游戏)】

/join <player name> 【(Emulates the joining of a fake player,加入一个机器人到游戏中)】

/kick <player name> 【(Kick player with reason: "Kicked by a(n) <Your Rank>",踢出一个玩家)】

/kick <player name> [reason] 【(Kick player with reason,踢出一个玩家和愿意)】

/kickall 【(Kicks all users, except for the command executor, out of the server踢出所有玩家,除了输入这条指令者)】

/kill <player name> 【(Kills the specified player,杀死一个指定玩家)】

/kit [kit name] 【(Gives the user the specified kit if the user has the correct authority level,给一个用户指定套装,当这个玩家有指定的权限的时候)

/kits 【(Lists the kits available to you,列出自己所有能用的套装)】

/leave 【(Emulates the leaving of yourself,模拟自己离开游戏)】

/leave <player name> 【(Emulates the leaving of a fake player,模拟一个机器人离开游戏)】

/mute <player name> 【(Mutes the player on global chat,禁言一个玩家)】

/online 【(Returns the amount of players currently connected,显示所有服务器在线玩家)】

/pm <player name> *message* 【(Sends a private message to that player,私聊某个玩家)】

/pos 【(Returns the player's position,显示玩家所在的坐标)

/reload {config/whitelist/ranks/commands/kits/motd/bans/all} 【(Reloads the specified file,重新加载指定的文件)】

/save 【(Saves all world data,保存世界数据)】

/say *message* 【(Says a message through the plugin,以服务器身份说话,在公屏上)】

/saypop *message* 【(Says a (!) dropdown message to all clients,弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上)】

/saypop [icon] *message* 【(Says a dropdown message to all clients with designated icon),以icon的什么弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上】

/share *player name* 【(Shares ownership of your doors with the designated user,共享门给指定玩家)】

/stop 【(Saves, deactivates, and effectively stops the server,停止服务器并保存)】

/time 【(Returns current time of day,显示当前世界时间)】

/time {0-24} 【(Sets time to a number between 0 and 24,设置当前世界时间)】

/time {day} 【(Sets time to day,设置为白天)】

/time {freeze} 【(Freezes time,冻住当前时间)】

/time {night} 【(Sets time to night,设置为晚上)】

/time {unfreeze} 【(Unfreezes time,解冻当前时间)】

/timescale 【(Returns the speed at which time passes,显示当前时间流逝速度)】

/timescale [#] 【(Sets the speed at which time passes. Recommended between 0 and 1. WARNING: THIS AFFECTS AIRDROPS,设置时间流逝速度,在0和1之间,警告!这个将影响到空降时间)】

/tp *player name* 【(Teleports the operator/sender to the designated user,把你传送到指定玩家那里)】

/tp <player name 1> <player name 2> 【(Teleports player 1 to player 2,把玩家1传送到玩家2那里)】

/tpa *player name* 【(Sends a teleport request to that user,发送一个传送请求给指定玩家)】

/tpaccept 【(Accepts the last teleport request recieved,同意传送请求)】

/tpaccept *player name* 【(Accepts the teleport request from that user,同意指定玩家的传送请求)】

/tpdeny *player name* 【(Denies the teleport request from that user,拒绝指定玩家的传送请求)】

/tpdeny {all} 【(Denies all current teleport requests,拒绝所有玩家的传送请求)】

/tppos [x] [y] [z] 【(Teleports your character to the designated vecto,传送到指定坐标地点)】

/uid 【(Returns your steam UID,显示你的steamID)】

/uid *player name* 【(Returns that user's steam UID,显示指定玩家的steamID)】

/unban <player name> 【(Unbans the specified player,解封指定玩家)】

/ungod <player name> 【(Revokes god mode from the specified player,解除指定玩家的上帝模式)】

/unmute <player name> 【(Unmutes the player on global chat,解除指定玩家的禁言)】

/unshare {all} 【(Revokes ownership of your doors from everyone,解除对所有玩家的门共享)

/unshare *player name*【(Revokes ownership of your doors from the designated user,解除对指定玩家的门共享)

/version 【(Returns the current running version of Rust Essentials,重置Rust Essentials模组的版本)

/whitelist {add} [UID] 【(Adds the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,把指定steamID添加至白名单)】

/whitelist {check} 【(Checks if you're currently on the whitelist,查询白名单)】

/whitelist {kick} 【(Kicks all players that are not whitelisted. This only work if whitelist is enabled,踢出所有在白名单的人,如果白名单已经启动)】

/whitelist {off} 【(Turns whitelist off,关掉白名单)】

/whitelist {on} 【(Turns whitelist on,打开白名单)】

/whitelist {rem} [UID] 【(Removes the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,移除指定steamID从白名单)】
